Ordinary compromises
Istv�n Szab� interviewed
Szab�, through films such as Mephisto, has become not only one of Hungary's foremost directors but a major international figure in film. Necati S�nmez met him in India to talk about making compromises, why Hollywood is central European and defining European culture.
Man of magnets
Marcin Wrona interviewed
Wrona is still at film school, yet his short Czlowiek magnes is winning him both awards and comparisons to Terry Gilliam. The director tells Izabela Kalinowska about his recent success, how little current Polish cinema interests him and where he's heading now.
The birdcage is empty
Further thoughts on Roman Polanski's The Pianist (2002)
Responding to an article in Kinoeye, Sheila Skaff argues that is wrong to talk about "detachment" with regard to Polanski's Palme d'Or winner and the film is not "simple" but merely exhibits a tasteful lack of both hyperbole and obtrusive technique.