About us Who we are and what we are trying to do
Mainstream views of "world cinema" largely deal with the concept as a homogenised, globalised and singular entity. This view reduces cinema history to films, directors, actors, and movements that have achieved a universal prominence in the history books and whose names are known around the globe.
This approach, however, ignores aspects of film history that have local, national or regional importance on a cinematic, cultural or political level. These aspects are either not perceived or not understood on the global level, and it is often assumed that films with a global reach are "better" than those with a narrower, more localised or culture-specific one.
Kinoeye, in reaction to this orthodoxy, seeks to explore cinema from the perspective that films are the products of local, national, and/or regional cultures as much as they are of global ones, and as such they have different levels of meaning in different cultural climates. Kinoeye tries to unlock these layers of importance and cultural interaction that are hidden to global audiences and open them up to wider understanding. In utilising this approach, a huge swathe of previously ignored or marginalised film history is brought to the fore.
Europe has to some degree attracted more attention than most regions of the world outside of America, but this has not prevented great emphasis being placed on a relatively narrow set of directors and movements (the French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, British kitchen-sink dramas, Danish Dogme) at the expense of attention on a colourful tapestry of micro-cinematic cultures that are all woven together and interconnected.
Kinoeye, therefore, seeks to explore the fringes of mainstream European cinema, past and present, and bring them back into the limelight.

Kinoeye aims to explore European film using a number of different writing styles: film reviews, festival overviews, interviews with directors or other industry players, career overviews, analytical articles, reviews of recent VHS/DVD releases, book reviews and book extracts, translated articles from other journals and other oddments and thought-pieces.
Although Kinoeye authors come from both academia and journalism, there is a common aim in the idea that knowledge of film from Europe should, and indeed needs, to be more widely spread. As such, the journal's style aims at the best of both worlds; the immediacy and availability of journalism and the depth of academic writing.

Kinoeye started as a weekly film column in September 1998 in the now defunct The Electronic New Presence (ENP) and was originally the column title for the works of just one author, Andrew James Horton. In July 1999, the editors and regular authors of ENP left to start a new journal, Central Europe Review (CER), and the "Kinoeye" column moved with it.
With the move to CER, the column opened up to new authors and broadened its outlook. All the old ENP and CER articles published in CER are still available on the CER site and are listed in the Kinoeye Archive.
The success of the "Kinoeye" column within CER was such that it was decided that it could and should work as a seperate film journal. As a result, Kinoeye started publishing as an independent journal in September 2001, with writing both CER old-hands and new authors.
The journal continues to grow both in range and quality, and this has been recognised in the fields of journalism and academia. For example, in 2002 Kinoeye was short-listed for a NetMedia award for online journalism and the scholarly MLA International Bibliography indexes all Kinoeye articles.

- Marguerite La Caze, University of Queensland
- Angela Palmer, University of Melbourne
- Herbert Krill, Freelance journalist and documentary film-maker
- Irena Ivanova, Bulgarian National Academy of Cinema
- Annette Burfoot, Queen's University
- Frank Burke, Queen's University
- Jodey Castricano, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario
- Elena Del Río, University of Alberta
- Graham Petrie, McMaster University
- Krzysztof Rucinski, Montreal University
- Christina Stojanova, University of Alberta, Edmonton
- Jan Uhde, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- Jurica Pavicic, Freelance journalist
Czech Republic
- Jaromír Blažejovský, Masaryk University, Brno
- Jirí Cieslar, Charles University, Prague
- Markéta Dvorácková, Masaryk University, Brno
- Ivana Košulicová, Masaryk University, Brno
- Jan Švankmajer, Film director
- Dora Viceníková, Masaryk University, Brno
- Reynold Humphries, University of Lille
- Frank Lafond, University of Lille
- Laurin Federlein, Freelance journalist
- W Martin, University of Chicago
- Marcus Stiglegger, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
- György Báron, Hungarian Film and Theatre Academy
- Gábor Gelencsér, ELTE University
- Igor Pop Trajkov, Freelance journalist
- Tarja Laine, University of Amsterdam
New Zealand
- Julian Coldrey, Film enthusiast
- Wojtek Kosc, Freelance journalist
- Malgorzata Radkiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- Rolland Man, University of Edinburgh
- Andrei Khrenov, Freelance journalist
- Aleš Pavlin, Golden Drum Advertising Festival
- Johan Ahlund, Högskolan Dalarna University
- Necati Sönmez, Freelance journalist
- Stacey Abbott, University of Surrey, Roehampton
- Phil Ballard, Freelance journalist and script consultant
- Colette Balmain, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University
- Felicitas Becker, SOAS, University of London
- Daniel Bird, Freelance journalist and film programmer
- Andy Black, Necronomicon
- Linnie Blake, Manchester Metropolitan University
- Monika Braid, Polish Cultural Institute, London
- Donald Campell, British Psychoanalytical Society
- Brigid Cherry, University of Surrey
- George Clark, Central St Martins College, London
- Ian Conrich, University of Surrey Roehampton
- Elizabeth Cowie, University of Kent, Canterbury
- Elke De Wit, Freelance journalist and actor
- Chris Gallant, University of Kent
- Cathy Gelbin, University of Manchester
- Michael Grant, University of Kent
- Peter Hames , University of Staffordshire / London International Film Festival
- Matt Hills, Cardiff University
- Andrew James Horton, Editor-in-Chief, Kinoeye
- Leon Hunt, Brunel University, London
- Peter Hutchings, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Neil Jackson, University of Westminster
- Mikel J Koven, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- Tanya Krzywinska, Brunel University, London
- Patricia MacCormack, Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge
- Ernst Mathijs, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- Xavier Mendik, University College Northampton
- Alexei Monroe, Freelance journalist and DJ
- Gary Needham, University of Glasgow
- Mark Preskett, Freelance journalist
- Paul Wells, University of Teesside
- Simon Wilkinson, University of Hull
- Jeta Xharra, London College of Printing
- Steven Yates, Freelance journalist
- Linda Badley, Middle Tennessee State University
- Kathryn Bergeron, University of Arizona
- Curtis Bowman, Haverford College
- Gordana P Crnkovic, University of Washington, Seattle
- David Del Valle, Freelance journalist
- Christopher Dietrich, Freelance journalist
- Ruth Goldberg, State University of New York
- Steffen Hantke, Sogang University, Seoul
- James Iaccino, Benedictine University (Lisle, Illinois)
- David Kalat, All Day Entertainment
- Izabela Kalinowska, State University of New York
- James Kendrick, University of Indiana, Bloomington
- Marina Malenic, Freelance journalist and TV producer
- Ilya Marritz, Freelance journalist and radio producer
- Todd McGowan, University of Vermont
- Jay McRoy, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
- Phillippe Met, University of Pennsylvania
- Hilary Neroni, University of Vermont
- Corinne Oster, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Brian J Požun , Freelance journalist
- Ray Privett, Facets Multimedia
- Gary D Rhodes, University of Oklahoma
- Steven Jay Schneider, Harvard, New York
- Linda Schulte-Sasse, Macalester College, St Paul, Minnesota
- Michael Sevastakis, College of Mount St. Vincent, Riverdale, New York
- Daniel Shaw, Lock Haven University, Pennsylvania
- Shelia Skaff, University of Michigan
- Aaron Smuts, University of Texas, Austin
- Doug Sparks, City University of New York
- Rebecca A Umland, University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Samuel J Umland, University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Josephine Woll, Howard University, Washington, DC

Copyright © Kinoeye 2001-2011 |